Day Eight on the Camino

Day Eight. Today most everyone on the trail was moving slow. So slow, that even I could keep up!We walked with our new friends in rain and fog and sun; through forest, and mountains, and mud. I had a wonderful time listening to Don Quixote, laughing out loud and the hilarious situations that were set near the very mountains I was passing through. After we came off of one mountain there was a small stone cottage open with platters of empanadas and coffee. We all stepped out of the rain into this refuge and experienced a moment where everything felt as if it were exactly as it should be. Then at the Albergue they had boot warmers to dry our boots, never before have I been so excited for the opportunity to have dry shoes. #caminoprimitivo #caminodesantiago #caminoadventuress #hikingwithcancer #cancerjourney

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