Day Eleven on the Camino

Day 11. I am feeling the draw of Santiago, we are so close now. I was filled with excitement all day. Today we had a fun experience, there was a baker’s van who stopped on the road to offer us food. We hadn’t found many places to eat so I received the bread (of life) and we all ate well as we walked and talked about the novelty of a mobile bread shop. I danced much of the day on the trail, enjoying a surplus of energy from not climbing mountains. We are all tired but capable. It is a nice feeling. #caminoprimitivo #caminoadventuress #hikingwithcancer

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Thank you for visiting CanBe Innovations! Are you interested in learning more about our mission? Would like to be informed when we launch the CanBe App to the app store? Please fill out the form below to be added to our waitlist. We are looking for anyone interested in finding free services. We are looking for investors who share our passion to change the cancer experience. Lauren and James are both cancer survivors passionate about serving the cancer community.