Day Five on the Camino

Today was day 5, a notoriously difficult day on the Camino Primitivo. We were fortunate to have perfect weather which gave us access to the mountain top route. We walked for 10 hours with only one 20 minute break where we actually took our pack off and sat down. I have no idea how my body can be so capable to do hard things. The scenery brought me to tears on multiple occasions. Then as we came to the summit I reached for my phone and saw that it was 11:11. I was first diagnosed with cancer on 11/11 and so today to have accomplished something so physically challenging and adventurous and stunning and to have completed at exactly 11:11 brought me to tears again. Today definitely reminded me that when life is at its hardest never forget to lift your eyes, you might find the view better than you dreamed. #caminoadventuress #caminodesantiago #caminoprimitivo

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