Friends on the Camino

Friends of the Camino. Along the way we have met such good friends. Most speak English as a second language and each has provided us something different. There is the guide, the Saint, the YouTuber, the walking pharmaceutical, the dreamer, the adventurer, the coming of age, the doubter, the reluctant drunk, the man who smiles all the time, and so many more. It was naive of me to believe we would jump on such a difficult trail and walk 200 miles, carrying all of our needs on our back for 2 weeks without any physical issues. Many have had to taxi a day or two and not walk for a stretch. Many have chosen to not carry their pack but have it transported. Many have had to stop their journey too soon. I am thankful for each of them and how they have enriched my journey. #caminoprimitivo #friendsofthecamino #caminoadventuress #newfriends #hikingfriends

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Welcome To The CanBe App!

Thank you for visiting CanBe Innovations! Are you interested in learning more about our mission? Would like to be informed when we launch the CanBe App to the app store? Please fill out the form below to be added to our waitlist. We are looking for anyone interested in finding free services. We are looking for investors who share our passion to change the cancer experience. Lauren and James are both cancer survivors passionate about serving the cancer community.